Wednesday, April 27, 2011

18 1/2 Weeks Close

Okay! Here is the updated pic of my belly :)

It is definitely growing. When they (mommas) tell you that you just wake up one morning with a belly, they weren't kidding. In the last few days I have definitely noticed a pop. I am deathly afraid to try on a pair of my jeans...... I think the belly band will be coming out ASAP ;)

The countdown is still on! 1 1/2 weeks until I get to see my little miracle! I can't wait to see a healthy & happy baby that I can call mine. AND of course I am kind of super SUPER excited to find out the sex. Oh the suspense!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Oh the Changes!

With pregnancy comes change.... A LOT OF IT! Besides all of the emotional changes I have been going through lately, I have started to really see my body grow and warp into nothing I ever thought possible. I decided to snap an early shot of myself at 8 weeks just to get an idea of where I started. (even though I felt like a giant whale from all of the bloating I got to experience) The next pic was at 16 weeks. This is when I started to see some major changes.

The first crazy change was my belly button of all things. One afternoon, I was changing my clothes and I about died when I glanced in the mirror and saw my once inny become an outty! So I definitely thought this wasn't supposed to happen until, I don't know, month 9 or 10!?! I was wrong :D

That little belly button jump started my baby belly. Every week that passes, I am more amazed at what happens. My little munchkin is definitely growin':D Now if he/she would just move a little harder, I could maybe feel it.

I promise this week I will take an updated picture! For now, here are my stats:

Size of baby: 5 1/2" long (the size of a bell pepper)
Weight: I don't want to know
Mood: Great today :D (ask me again in an hour... it could be totally different)
Energy: It's back!
Cravings: none really.
Changes: Belly growing, had some major aches on Saturday night due to stretching (i think).
Sleep: sleeping soundly

* I thought this pic was so unbelievable when I saw it. Here is a super enhanced image of an 18 week ultrasound picture. This makes it all so real!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Bring on May 10th!

I am officially counting down the days until my little peanut has a big debut on the big screen... aka ultrasound monitor! That will be the day (cross your fingers) that I will hear "Congratulations! It's a ...." (fill in the blank; boy or girl :D)

Now I know some mommy's-to-be either have an inclination or are hoping for a boy or girl but, I have to admit, I am not one of them. There isn't any gut wrenching feeling inside of me pulling me toward blue or pink. I have never been so clueless! This will definitely be the biggest surpise of my life ;) When I wasn't pregnant, I always dreamed of having a little girl. Dressing her up in cute little outfits and decking out her tiny head in obnoxious flowers and bows, seemed like bliss. Now that I am carrying around this itty bitty munchkin, I get overwhelmed with excitement and of course get choked up thinking about holding a little boy or girl. I can't even express how blessed I feel that this "thinking" is my reality. No matter what that doctor says, I will be the happiest girl in the world! All I hope for is one healthy baby.

So...if I could just make one small unrealistic prayer request, it would be to get May 10th here as fast as possible! Mommy wants to see her love bug!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

A New Chapter

You never know what life will bring. My life has been completely unpredictable, filled with twists and turns and always surprises along the way. I was given the surprise of a lifetime back in January when I discovered... I was expecting! My jaw hit the floor, my heart definitely skipped a beat (or 2) and my world as I knew it had changed.

Knowing a life was already developing in my belly seemed surreal. Almost impossible! I went through a period of shock and pure disbelief.... how could I be pregnant!?! Another at-home test and blood test later, I was convinced! Ready or not, here baby comes! Little did I realize that cramping and nausea I was experiencing was not the beginning of the flu! Soon my body would quickly remind me again and again and again, that something incredible was happening right inside of me. As I would sit there with heavy eyes, ALWAYS wanting to close, I would be reminded of my little bean!

My life has never gone as I thought and this surpise was another testament to that. BUT I know God would never give me anything that He thought I couldn't handle. He gave me the gift of a child. THE most special and incredible gift one could receive. I feel blessed, lucky and to be honest..a little confused, to be given something so precious.
I have embraced this baby,this gift, with all that I am and always will. My heart grows every minute with the love I feel for this miracle and I can't even imagine how that love will evolve when I get to see his/her sweet face.

I have made it through the first trimester with my lips sealed! But get ready because I can't wait to share all of the excitement, ups, downs and crazy changes I experience each day. A new chapter in my crazy world has officially opened!