Monday, April 18, 2011

Bring on May 10th!

I am officially counting down the days until my little peanut has a big debut on the big screen... aka ultrasound monitor! That will be the day (cross your fingers) that I will hear "Congratulations! It's a ...." (fill in the blank; boy or girl :D)

Now I know some mommy's-to-be either have an inclination or are hoping for a boy or girl but, I have to admit, I am not one of them. There isn't any gut wrenching feeling inside of me pulling me toward blue or pink. I have never been so clueless! This will definitely be the biggest surpise of my life ;) When I wasn't pregnant, I always dreamed of having a little girl. Dressing her up in cute little outfits and decking out her tiny head in obnoxious flowers and bows, seemed like bliss. Now that I am carrying around this itty bitty munchkin, I get overwhelmed with excitement and of course get choked up thinking about holding a little boy or girl. I can't even express how blessed I feel that this "thinking" is my reality. No matter what that doctor says, I will be the happiest girl in the world! All I hope for is one healthy baby.

So...if I could just make one small unrealistic prayer request, it would be to get May 10th here as fast as possible! Mommy wants to see her love bug!

1 comment:

  1. May 10th Will be here before you know it! This is so exciting and what a wonderful idea to do a blog!! xoxo -Megan
