Saturday, October 22, 2011

Drum Roll Please....

I would like to introduce the sweetest, most precious little miracle ever placed in my world.

Meet Liam.

Born on September 9, 2011 at 12:20AM. He was 7.25lbs, 18.4" long and just breathtaking.

My-world-has-changed and I am loving every bit!

To recap how this sweet angel came into the world... I will rewind back to September 7th---when it all began.

That evening we had our final ultrasound. I-was-pumped! I had anxiously waited for 27 weeks to get another looksy at the little guy. He looked perfect as ever. Chubby cheekers, button nose, floating around oh so sweetly. Evidence below-

Okay, this obviously doesn't do his sweet face justice. I guess that's what you get when you take a picture of a picture of a model floating in a bunch of...well you get my point. To me-he looks precious.

So after capturing this sweet boy we came home. I was feeling great. There was no aching back or legs.... I was moving around like my old self and energy wise, felt good. That week I kept saying, I feel way to good. This little guy is going to be in there forever. I guess I thought there were supposed to be a bunch of signs that led up to preliminary labor aches and pains. Nope my friends, I was wrong. A few hours after floating on cloud nine from the ultrasound, this is what happened-

Let's just say the floodgates opened....not just because of the monsterous monsoon we were living through for days in central PA (Thanks to hurricane Lee) but at approxomitely 10PM my water broke. "POP" it did! I think my eyes popped too--out of my head that is. Aaand my heart stopped. That was when I officially jumped out of reality and into a bubble that floats around in some other surreal world. My mind became a blur from that second on.

An hour passed and I was feeling some cramping but completely cool, calm and collected. Hah! No seriously, I was. I laid in bed trying to rest and relax--this was advice that was beat many many times into my head from my sista. So I tried. I was totally wide eyed waiting for the labor to really hit. The labor filled with all that fun pain you see in movies and of course on Baby Story. (tell me you haven't watched one of those episodes before...whew) There was not a lot of shut-eye going on at all.

We became more and more nervous about having this little baby BUT the nerves were about the weather. The weather that was not on our side. The rain was in full force, major flooding included. Since we had to drive a little ways, we decided to go to the hospital early. Luckily my bags were packed and all it took was picking up my jaw from the floor and jumping in the car. There we drove, white-knuckled, down to the hospital.

I was checked in and hooked up by midnight.

Feeling like this....

Okay clearly those oh-so-flattering gowns they give you, don't make the best outfits for pics. Let me just say this... I could have cared less.

So hours passed and I am talking hours. My contractions progressed but I happily faught through them. That's when the nurse said, " I am waiting for that moment I walk in and you don't have a big smile across your face." Well I thought she was nuts and that I was some insanely strong woman that could just bare pain really REEEALY well.

ha! That soon changed after I met my friend, Pitocin. Yes, this stuff was pumped in me after my contractions decided to take a short vacay from labor. Well pain came, and I mean quick. I felt it- oh how I felt it. Those contractions would come and I would try to breathe in-breathe out (although there was zero oxygen entering my lungs), stay calm, focus and get through it all natural. I was a popcicle eating, position changing fool.

Those contractions decided to come back to our world and stop by a lot more. 20 some odd hours passed and I finally parted with my not so friendly friend hoping I could finish off this labor without it. Soon everything came to a hault (including my labor) and I had to get back on it. This time I decided my original "all natural" plan was no longer in the cards. 22 hours of major pain sure takes a lot out of you ;) So Mr. Epidural came along and made my life sooooo much easier. I was ready to push not long after. 18 minutes of pushing and out came our bundle of joy!

He is perfect in every way! He was definitely in good hands before making his grand entrance :D

This little one has completely won my heart over and I have fallen so in love. He is growing so fast and I already want to stop the clock so I can cherish every second I have with him. I feel like he has already reached so many milestones in just 6 weeks! I am so in for it.

Our life has officially done a 180 since parenthood entered our world. Is it tough... yes. Is it exhausting....oh yeah. BUT it is the most amazing place to be. Liam has been a gift from the moment I found out I was pregnant and he will forever be one.

Clearly I just wrote a novel of a post so I will share the many milestones he has already reached later. For now, I will leave you with an updated picture of the munchkin. Oh and ladies, he is mine ;)

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