Sunday, April 17, 2011

A New Chapter

You never know what life will bring. My life has been completely unpredictable, filled with twists and turns and always surprises along the way. I was given the surprise of a lifetime back in January when I discovered... I was expecting! My jaw hit the floor, my heart definitely skipped a beat (or 2) and my world as I knew it had changed.

Knowing a life was already developing in my belly seemed surreal. Almost impossible! I went through a period of shock and pure disbelief.... how could I be pregnant!?! Another at-home test and blood test later, I was convinced! Ready or not, here baby comes! Little did I realize that cramping and nausea I was experiencing was not the beginning of the flu! Soon my body would quickly remind me again and again and again, that something incredible was happening right inside of me. As I would sit there with heavy eyes, ALWAYS wanting to close, I would be reminded of my little bean!

My life has never gone as I thought and this surpise was another testament to that. BUT I know God would never give me anything that He thought I couldn't handle. He gave me the gift of a child. THE most special and incredible gift one could receive. I feel blessed, lucky and to be honest..a little confused, to be given something so precious.
I have embraced this baby,this gift, with all that I am and always will. My heart grows every minute with the love I feel for this miracle and I can't even imagine how that love will evolve when I get to see his/her sweet face.

I have made it through the first trimester with my lips sealed! But get ready because I can't wait to share all of the excitement, ups, downs and crazy changes I experience each day. A new chapter in my crazy world has officially opened!

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