Monday, June 13, 2011

Smiles for Miles :D

So I am officially back and ready to blog! These last couple weeks have been absolutely overflowing with craziness and I have literally had no time to get my fingers on this keyboard. Now it is game on :D

I have had quite the blessed 2 weeks filled with moments that have brought huge smiles to my heart and face. Once again, I was reminded of the important people in my life that I so deeply cherish. So get comfortable and get ready to hear about my blissful moments.

#1 My class threw me a baby shower. Did you hear that!?! Those sneaky little ones with the help of their amazing moms, pulled off a surprise shower for me and my little peanut. My heart strings still get tugged every time I think about it. 2 Fridays ago, I dropped my kids off at library and to my surprise, I was pulled in and given the most unexpected gift. Those sweet ones pampered me with love, gifts and delicious treats. It took me a few minutes to come back to earth and actually recognize what was happening. Nothing like this has ever been done for me and boy it touched me deep. This will be a memory of a lifetime for sure. My gratitude goes on for miles!

So #1 is enough happiness already... BUT I have more :D

#2 School came to an end on Friday and I had to give out 21 bittersweet goodbyes. We had a successful Kindergarten graduation and as I watched each one of them sing their songs and recite that end of the year poem, I was lost in amazement. They have each come so far, grown so much and taken a giant step to becoming their own little person. As a teacher, it is beyond rewarding.... it's just magical. So another year of teaching has passed and come August, 20 more big-eyed friends will join me on another journey through Kindergarten.

#3 SUMMER VACATION! Enough said :)

#4 I had another appointment this past week to check up on my little man. As the midwife placed the mic on my tummy to hear his heartbeat, we got quite the show. He decided he would give us a giant "hello" by kicking up a storm. So instead of hearing a nice strong heartbeat, we got huge thumps and a bouncy belly. I couldn't help but smile thinking about what that sweet one was doing in there. Luckily, after his hello he settled back down and I got to hear the miraculous beating of his tiny heart. And yes... it was the sweetest sound ever! So little man is moving right along down the road of development and in a couple more weeks I will be checking in on him 2x a month instead of just 1. We are getting close!

That deserves a HUGE smile right there :D.

#5 I am getting much closer to finding a home. My house hunting is going really well and fingers crossed... I will soon be a first time homeowner! I so can't wait.

As you can see.. life has been a little busy lately but for ALL good reasons. I know there are many more smiling moments ahead.

Oh! I must not forget to add....

#6 I am 25 weeks preggo, feeling fantastic and slightly overstretched;) But no one is complaining here!

25 Weeks Pregnant
Size: 13.5 long and about 1.5lbs. About the size of a rutabaga (not too familiar with this veggie)
He is growing lots of hair and if I could peek in at him, I would be able to identify the color of it.
He is still filling out that thin little body of his with all that cute baby fat. So cute!

1 comment:

  1. what a wonderful couple weeks!! you are definitely blessed by wonderful people in your life! And you look fabulous!! You think you're "stretched" now.. (and i did too...) just wait... at 35 weeks now, I don't know how my stomach will be able to stretch for 5 more weeks. EEEK! Sending lots of preggy love! xoxoxo
