Friday, July 15, 2011

A Little Bit of This and That

T-72 days!
10 weeks 2 days!

30 weeks close on Sunday!

Whaaaaaat!?! Where has this pregnancy gone? I think my heart just skipped a beat thinking about all I have to do before this little Mr. arrives. Don't worry, the nesting hasn't begun. But come August, when I step foot into my beautiful humble abode, it will be in full force! Hopefully my giant watermelon wont be too in the way. Momma's got to work... no ifs ands or buts!

Speaking of humble abode...Earlier this week I got to take another peek into little man's soon-to-be nursery. It was inspection time at the house! Ideas were bouncing through my head and it was so exciting to think that in a few short weeks I will finally get to create a special place for him. I so can't wait!

On a completely other note, I think I finally figured out what hiccups feel like. I mean.. what hiccups inside your belly feel like. I supposedly should have started to feel them a few weeks back, but for some reason I just couldn't figure them out. This morning as I was typing away for class, watching Regis & Kelly, and babysitting my little Livy, my belly decided to have an earth quake. That's right- it was like the world inside was shaking away. It lasted less than a minute BUT I knew exactly what it was. I considered drinking water upside down to help the little guy out, but let's be honest, I can barely paint my toenails these days.

Well in a couple days I will be sure to post another preggo pic along with the stats. I can't wait to open my book to see what all has happened over the last couple weeks. Soooo exciting :D

To give you a little extra eye candy at the end of this post I thought I would share a pic of me and the little Miss I have been hanging with these days. (Side note: please disregard my face... no make-up means yuck!)

She's pretty cute huh!?!

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