Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Meet Coop

Okay, I know it has been a year and a half since my last post, but I have been really REALLY busy. I have been a traveling fool, keeping up with my online class (masters degree...here I come!), and have not had a gap in my days to focus for more than 2 seconds. So these last 2 1/2 weeks have literally been swept from under my feet.

BUT... as promised, I will now make a grand introduction for the other little man in my life that has been bringing me smile after smile for the last 4 1/2 yrs.

Meet Coop!

aka Cooper aka Coopster aka Coop-a-Doop aka Coop-a-Loop! Yes he is a man of many names :D

This little ball of fluff is truly my right hand man and I will be the first to admit that I am hugely slightly obsessed! Here's the 411 on this little Mr...

1. Coop L-O-V-E-S to snuggle! He snuggles up with me and little precious whenever he gets a chance! There he is right on the ever-growing belly ;)
2. He loves to kick back and greet me every morning with this.

That face melts your heart...right!

3. He loves his ball, I mean LOVES... and has recently taken on a new hobby that entails him hiding under my bed. Not sure I get that one, but nonetheless it is stinkin' cute!

4. He loves road trips, long walks, scrambled eggs & soft pillows. (no he is not available ;D)
5. Giving kisses is one of his favorites.
6. He has a huge crush on his mom!I could go on for days but I wont do that to you. But just tell me this.....wouldn't you want to come home to this sweet surprise!
He is resting up as much as he can for little man's soon-to-be arrival (wink wink)

So there he is. The short and sweet version. I am not sure what I would do without him! I love him to pieces and can't wait to introduce him to his baby brother! They are so going to be the best buddies :D

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