If I could scream through cyberspace with the excitement that is bubbling inside of me, I totally would because IT'S A BOY!!! Like 99.9999999% sure! Can you feel the permanent smile plastered to my face? It's not going anywhere:D
When I heard the ultrasound tech say those magical words, they were immediately imprinted onto my heart and mind. I felt such a wave of emotion and pure happiness--- a happiness you don't usually experience. It-was-amazing! I was surrounded by family and we now have shared such an incredible moment that we can put into our memory box.
To recap this (what feels like a) dream, it kind of went like this....
The entire day my heart was running a marathon. I felt like a 5 year old impatiently waiting for Christmas morning... so really Really excited. 3:30 finally came and we all went back to the ultrasound room. After plopping my growing body on the table... see evidence below!
A giant cold glob of jelly was squeezed onto my belly. My eyes immediately went to the screen to watch the show! The tech went from the babies head to toe explaining all the miraculous intricate workings of my little man. My eyes were mesmerized in pure amazement as I could see all that has developed, grown, changed. I saw a baby. Even better, I saw a healthy baby with everything working. As soon as he captured his tiny hands, the strings of my heart were tugged and all I wanted was to reach through the screen and hold them. Every millimeter of him was perfect. He was resting oh so comfortably against me. Every once in a while he would give a little kick or move his arms. (Probably saying, "Could you guys stop poking at me and let me sleep!" ) It was absolutely surreal to see him move and to know this was inside of me. I felt and feel so lucky to be given the opportunity to experience such an incredible gift. After going over all of the ins and outs of my sweet one, the tech got down to that golden spot. He checked with me one more time to make sure I wanted to find out and without hesitation I said OH YES! And those magical words were spoken. I saw with my own eyes.... he is all boy :) Mommies little boy. I love it.
Here is a picture of this beautiful little guy.
Luckily he turned long enough for us to take a picture. As soon as his sweet face was captured, he quickly turned back and nestled in again.
He is already irrisistable. I look at him every day and each time I fall in love with him all over again. What a sweet pea.
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